Women's Ministry

Women Of Redeemer

Women are an integral part of Redeemer Lutheran Church. They always have been. The Women of Redeemer (WOR) have for years supported missionaries, international mission and service work, adopted seminary students, been the organizing agents for many congregational care ministries (especially for funerals), organized many Bible studies, among countless other things. Humanly speaking, without the Women of Redeemer, there would be no Redeemer.

Women of Redeemer is part of a broader women’s group of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod known as Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML). To learn more about LWML, please click here.

In addition to their church wide efforts, Women of Redeemer operates 6 small groups, or circles, that together include over 80 members. Each of these circles meet separately, once each month in different locations and times.

Here is a list of WOR’s current small groups:

Circle Name Meeting Time Meeting Day
Lois Circle 9:30AM 2nd Wednesday of the Month
Mary Martha Circle 12:30PM Wednesday of the Month
Ruth Circle 12:30PM 2nd Thursday of the Month
Elizabeth Circle 1:00PM 2nd Monday of the Month
Eunice Circle 7:00PM 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Esther Circle 1:00PM 3rd Tuesday of the Month